What Are the Dangers of Pau D Arco Tea?
The herb pau d'arco contains the chemical compound called hydroquinone, which is a known toxic substance. High doses of the herb can cause kidney and liver damage. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use pau d'arco.
Warfarin Interaction
The combination of the drug warfarin and the herb pau d'arco can increase the amount of anticoagulant effects of warfarin. This can result in bleeding complications for the patient. Other drugs that may result in similar interactions are dalteparin sodium and enoxaparin sodium injections.
Aspirin Interaction
Combining pau d'arco and aspirin can increase the anticoagulant effect of the aspirin by the inhibition of platelet aggregation.
Drinking more than the recommended dosage may cause dizziness, nausea or vomiting in some people.
People with blood clots or a family history of problems with blood clots should not take pau d'arco without consulting with a doctor or health care provider first.
Underlying health problems and the continual use of pau d'arco can cause anemia in some people. In others its excessive use can cause bleeding; those with hemophilia or bleeding disorders should not use it.