Benefits of the Eyebright Herb
Benefits of the Eyebright Herb
Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) is a native plant to Europe and Asia. It grows in meadows and begins blooming in late summer. Eyebright sometimes grows as a parasite, attaching itself to small host plants and stealing nutrients. The aerial parts of the plant are medicinal.
Eyebright's Actions
According to David Hoffmann in his book "The New Holistic Herbal," Eyebright is an astringent, inflammatory modulator and anti-catarrhal.
Components of Eyebright
Eyebright contains tannins, resins, glycosides and volatile oils. According to Phyllis Balch, in her book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," Eyebright also contains calcium, chromium, manganese, selenium and iron plus vitamins B and C.
External Benefits of Eyebright
Eyebright is used as a prepared, sterile compress or eye wash for ailments involving irritation of the mucous membranes. Eyebright relieves conjunctivitis, blepharitis, allergies, eye strain and eye irritation. It clears vision and reduces eye tearing and stinging.
Internal Benefits of Eyebright
Eyebright in tea or tincture form improves eye health and respiratory problems such as nasal congestion and inflammation of the sinuses.
Herbal Combinations
Goldenseal, Golden Rod and Elder Flower enhance Eyebright's healing properties.