Hawthorn-Berry-Herb Benefits and Side Effects
Hawthorn berry is an appropriate treatment for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chest pain and atherosclerosis.
The Greeks used hawthorn for insomnia and nervous conditions, but these applications were lost over time. Hawthorn plants ended up being used for hundreds of years to ward off evil spirits. By the mid-1800s, physicians had rediscovered a better use for hawthorn berries.
Hawthorn berry is a member of the rose family and is indigenous to Europe, western Asia and North Africa. Hawthorn trees grow short, have thorns and bear reddish fruits.
A typical dosage of hawthorn berries is around 200 mgs per day. Hawthorn is available as a capsule or tincture, or you can make a bitter tea from the root, leaves and berries.
Side Effects
Hawthorn can sometimes cause heart palpitations, nausea and dizziness. Intestinal bleeding is a rare side effect. You shouldn't take hawthorn if using the prescription medicines Digoxin or Phenylephrine.