Devil's Claw Side Effects
The most common side effects can be reduced sensation of taste, decreased appetite, ringing in the ears or headaches. Some report intestinal upset or pain along with upset stomachs.
People with ulcers or using medications that thin the blood should use Devil's Claw. Devil's Claw can causes changes in the heartbeat and lower blood sugar levels. It can also interfere with malaria medications.
Devil's Claw may actually reduce certain types of cholesterol build up especially when used in conjunction with garlic or various types of fish oils.
Devil's Claw can interfere with the ability of the blood to properly form clots. People preparing for surgery will need to inform their doctor as the patient may have to stop taking the herb.
Any swelling of the face, tongue or eyes indicates an allergic reaction. You should seek medical attention if your heartbeat becomes irregular or if you have any other concern about the side effects.