Natural Treatment for ADD
Herbal Remedies
Eat Omega-3 fatty acids or take a supplement. Since sufficient fatty acids are not found in a lot of foods that children eat, the lack of it affects brain tissues. Zinc is also thought to aid in neurological processes and can help someone with ADD. Calcium and magnesium should also be given along with the zinc to create a calming effect. Massages with calming oils such as lavender can be helpful in decreasing nervous energy.
Herbal use for children is not generally recommended; however, many adults suffering from ADD can benefit from herbal treatments such as melatonin and ginko biloba. Pine bark extract and ginseng have also been shown to have a positive affect on those suffering from ADD. Kava kava and gamma amino butryic acid have a calming effect on the body with out the dangers of using a tranquilizer in a traditional form.
Although it can be very difficult to follow, a strict diet has also shown to eliminate symptoms of ADD in children. Avoid refined sugars and phosphates. Eliminate foods that contain artificial additives such as flavoring and dyes, and foods containing MSG and yeast. Natural replacements, such as Stevia can be used to replace sugar easily, and cutting out junk food and processed convenience food and replacing them with homemade meals and fresh fruits and vegetables will make a big difference. Avoid carbonated beverages, as even diet drinks contain large amounts of phosphates. Carefully select breads to avoid the yeast found in most of them. Find alternatives at health food stores.
Add extra vitamins to the diet. A vitamin B-complex is great for brain function, helps to process carbohydrates and eases any digestive problems that may result because of the change in diet. A multi-vitamin complex for children will also ensure that they are getting all the nutrients that the body needs. However, avoid the cartoon characters varieties, as these contain dyes and artificial flavoring.