Different Medicinal Plants & Their Uses

Medicinal plants and traditional medicine have been used by tribal communities and ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Recently, modern medicine has taken a look back at medicinal plants and herbs for healing.
  1. Cuban Oregano

    • According to environmental restoration specialists BitterRoot Restoration, Plectranthus amboinicus has many names, but is commonly called Cuban oregano. This perennial plant is used to treat nasal congestion and other ailments attributed to the common cold.


    • The scientific name for garlic is Allium sativum L. This medicinal herb is most popular for its cancer-fighting abilities.


    • Portulaca oleracea, also called purslane, is found all over the world in different climates. It is widely regarded as a medicinal plant used to treat infection and liver disorders.

    Indian Mallow

    • The Abutilon indicum plant is native to India and is commonly called the Indian mallow. The English call it country mallow. This versatile plant can be used as a laxative, sedative and astringent.

    Speckled Alder

    • The speckled alder is found in North America's marshlands and streams. The bark of this plant can be used to decrease swelling and soothe a toothache.

    Sweet Flag

    • Acorus calamus, commonly called sweet flag, is originally from Southeast Asia. Now found all over the world, this plant is widely used to treat digestive disorders like anorexia nervosa.

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