Herbs for Lymph Node Cancer
Lymphoma Types
There are two kinds of lymphoma: Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is more common and is caused when lymphatic cells engage in abnormal growth; this form of cancer can spread to other parts of your body, and the cell growth as well as they way the cancer spreads in this disease is erratic. In contrast, Hodgkin's lymphoma, while abnormal cell growth is present, the spreading of the disease is more orderly. Both forms of the cancer are associated with swollen lymph nodes in the groin, the underarm and the neck. There is no pain that accompanies the swelling. An individual may also experience fevers, night sweats, exhaustion, weight loss, itchy skin, darken skin patches, tumor formations on the skin and skin infections. The cause of either condition remains unknown.
Green Tea
In "The New Anti-Aging Revolution: Stopping the Clock for a Younger, Sexier, Happier You", Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman explain the benefits of green tea when used for treating lymphoma conditions. Green tea induces the death of lymphoma cells through a process called apoptosis or a form of programmed cell death. Compounds in the tea cause cancer cells to self-destruct; the herb also lowers cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugars, regulates insulin levels, and boosts metabolism. Consume green tea as a standardized extract by taking 250 to 500 mg of the herb a day to derive its anticancer properties and antioxidizing effects.
In "Everyone's Guide to Cancer Supportive Care: A Comprehensive Handbook For Patients and Their Families", Ernest H. Rosenbaum explains that echinacea proves beneficial in lymphoma patients looking to boost their immune system. Echinacea also contains antiviral agents and antioxidants that help in free radical destruction. Echinacea is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections, Candida and infections, sinusitis, athlete's foot and symptoms associated with hay fever. Echinacea promotes faster wound healing, and the herb contains polysaccharides that help to trigger immune system responses. Consume Echinacea as a tea; steep 1 to 2 g of dried echinacea in 1 cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Take this remedy three times a day for a period of seven days. Take 300 mg capsules three times a day to improve your immune system functioning. This herb should not be used by people with HIV, AIDS, Lupus or other autoimmune diseases. If you have liver issues, leukemia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or connective tissue disorders, this herb is not recommended.
Milk Thistle
In "Naturally There's Hope: A Handbook for the Naturopathic Care of Cancer Patients," Dr. Neil McKinney explains that milk thistle contains silibinin, which inhibits cancer cell growth by 48 percent by inciting apoptosis or cellular self destruction in cancer cells. In addition to its anticancer properties, this herb protects your liver, and detoxifies the body, diminishes inflammation, enhances cell reparation in your liver, and is commonly used to treat liver conditions and cirrhosis of the liver. Consume milk thistle in capsule form by taking 80 to 160 mg two to three times a day to detoxify your body and for its anticancer benefits. Side effects may include gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea. This herb is not recommended for pregnant women or women that are breastfeeding. Women that have a history of uterine cancer or breast cancer, and men that have a history of prostate cancer should not take this herb. Milk thistle may interact with medications, such as anti-psychotics, seizure medications like Phenytoin and general anesthetics like Halothane. It may also interact with fexofendadine, lovastatin, alprazolam, diazepam, lorazepam, clopidogrel and warfin.