Herbal Solutions for Urine Leakage
Horsetail is also known as bottlebrush and was once used to polish metal and wood because it is so abrasive. This primitive plant contains a lot of silica, which aids in the rebuilding of connective tissue. If you are experiencing stress-related incontinence or urine leakage due to compromised muscle tone, a daily dose of horsetail along with Kegal exercises can improve the muscle tone in your urinary tract. Do Kegal exercises by simply clenching and unclenching the pelvic muscles that manage urine flow. Drink one cup of horsetail tea daily, or take 10 to 12 drops of its alcohol-free extract twice a day for a month. Make the tea by placing half a teaspoon of dried horsetail in a cup of boiling water and steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and drink. This tea may strain the digestive system, so take a week off from drinking the tea after the first month. After the week off, resume drinking the tea for another month, and repeat the process.
Hawthorn is primarily used for heart and circulation disorders, but it can also aid in the healing of muscles, ligaments and the nerve tissue of the urinary tract. It is available in an extract that has a tar-like consistency. Take a quarter teaspoon of hawthorn three times a day for one to three months for relief. Stir with one cup of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes before drikning. You can continue with this dose for a year, then take a break of a few weeks.You can also take the extract straight off the spoon and buy hawthorn in ready-made teabags. Look for it in health food stores. It is safe to take indefinitely.
Corn Silk and Agrimony
A treatment for urine leakage that involves bladder irritation, corn silk and agrimony work in harmony to soothe the irritation. Tea made from corn silk contains mucilage, which is beneficial and soothing to the walls of the urinary tract. Look for agrimony herbal tea or loose, dried agrimony at your local health food store. Follow dosing instructions carefully. Corn silk can be somewhat more difficult to find. You can simply strip the corn silk from fresh ears of corn, chop it up, dry it, and make a tea by mixing one teaspoon of corn silk with one cup of boiling water. Strain and drink. You can also combine both dried herbs, using one teaspoon.of each in two cups of boiling water. Steep overnight for a strong ready-to-drink tea in the morning. These herbs are safe to take indefinitely.
Kava Kava
Kava kava is a calming herb. It has useful properties that help soothe an irritated bladder. As you age, the bladder has a tendency to become overactive; kava kava counters this action, quieting down and relaxing the bladder by stopping the pressing need to urninate. To treat urine leakage and overactive bladder, take 30 drops of the tincture with one cup of water three times a day. This is safe to take for three months, then take a break of two weeks and resume the process.
Dried psoralea fruit or seeds can be found at some Asian markets and herbal shops or health food stores. Powdered psoralea is also readily available and can be used to make herbal concoctions. Follow dosing instructions carefully. Seeds of the psoralea plant are useful in strengthening the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. Psoralea is part of the kidney and spleen meridians when used in Chinese herbal medicine.
Lifestyle modifications, along with herbal remedies, can ease symptoms of urine leakage. Take frequent bathroom breaks, get on a regular schedule, and try Kegal exercises to reduce your symptoms.