Aloe Vera Juice & Heart Disease
Aloe vera juice comes from the aloe vera plant. The leaves contain a clear gel, which is often used as a soothing ointment for skin problems. The green part of the leaf (surrounding the gel) produces the juice that you can ingest. Aloe vera can be found in a wide variety of skin products and the FDA approved aloe vera as a natural food flavoring.
When taken internally, aloe vera juice helps improve circulation, regulates blood pressure, boosts the immune system, heals ulcers and internal tissue damage, regulates blood sugar, promotes healing of bones and joints and helps protect the body from bacteria. It assists with weight loss, helps aid in digestion and cleanses the colon (it has a mild laxative quality). It helps support cell growth which in turn improves circulation. This is a major benefit for patients with heart disease. Two to four ounces a day is all that is required for most people.
While rare, it is possible to experience side effects with aloe vera juice. Those side effects can include nausea, dermatitis, strangely colored urine, allergic reactions and liver dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about the correct dose for you so minimize chances of these side effects. Stop drinking aloe vera juice if you experience any strange reactions. Don't drink aloe vera juice if you are pregnant or breast feeding or are allergic to garlic or onions.
Aloe vera has long been used as a soothing balm for scrapes, cuts and burns. It is still a popular sunburn treatment, too. Aloe vera's history traces back to ancient Egyptians. it sometimes referred to the healing plant or first aid plant. The plant originated in northern Africa.
Heart disease
Heart disease is more of a general term that encompasses a wide range of conditions that affect your heart. According to the Mayo Clinic, most people associate heart disease with conditions that involved narrowed or blocked vessels which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Consult your doctor on whether aloe vera juice is appropriate to drink with your specific type of heart disease. According to a story by Mike Adams, Natural News editor, studies have shown aloe vera increased the viscosity of blood. That is, it increased the blood's ability to carry oxygen and diffuse the oxygen to various organs. This quality combats plaque buildup in arteries--a major boost to cardiovascular health.