Respiratory Cleanse Mix
Cleansing process
A clean respiratory system is essential to ensure the proper amount of oxygen is circulating in your body and bloodstream. It may help to alkalize your body before starting a respiratory cleansing. Respiratory problems and colds are prolonged when your body consumes too many acid-forming foods. Alkalize your body by adding gluten grains such as brown rice, fresh fruits and greens to your diet.
The respiratory cleanse begins with a juice diet for three days. Juice will consist of 100% juice products. After that, follow a diet of all-natural fresh foods for one to three days. Include al-natural juices, water and herbal teas, but do not drink milk. This will help cleanse your system and keep you hydrated.
Herbal Teas
The best way to ensure that you are cleansing your respiratory effectively is to create a homemade herbal tea. Combine and simmer 1 oz. of seven herbs for 24 minutes in a pint of water. The recipe calls for four parts thyme, three parts elecampine, three parts Mullen herb, three parts wild cherry bark, two parts ginger, two parts lobelia herb and two parts licorice. Add Chinese ma huang for a decongestant. Drink this tea three times a day to fully cleanse your respiratory system. Take an herbal laxative tea before you begin the cleansing process.
Carrot juice
A primary function of a respiratory cleanse is to remove the accumulated mucus from the bronchi and lungs. Meat, dairy products, wheat and sweets may increase the amount of mucus buildup in the respiratory system. Homemade carrot juice is helpful in cleaning out mucus. Combine and mix 1/2 cup of carrot juice, 1/2 cup of hot milk and 1 tbsp. of honey. This mixture should sit for four hours. Drink half of the mixture four hours after you have made it and the other half three to four hours after the first glass. Honey is not a mandatory part of the concoction.