Damiana Cleansing
Colon Cleansing
In an effort to help cleanse excessive build-up in your colon, damiana stimulates muscle contractions within the abdominal tract. This action is generally gentle in smaller doses of the herb and shouldn't cause cramping or pain. Damiana, therefore, acts as a subtle laxative.
Urinary Astringent
Damiana is most active within the urinary tract, where it acts as an astringent and detoxifier. Here, it is able to tackle preexisting urinary tract diseases and even strengthen the kidneys. In many individuals, it is even helpful in combating incontinence.
Side Effects
Damiana's astringent nature is mildly irritating to the genitor-urinary system, and it therefore causes stimulation that results in increased libido in many users. This herb is also frequently used as a nerve tonic due to its calming and euphoria-inducing effects. You may experience euphoria that borders on that induced by low levels of marijuana and should, therefore, test your response to the herb carefully.
To make damiana tea, steep a tablespoon of the dried leaves in a cup of water for ten minutes. Remove the leaves and drink the entire cup. You may drink this herbal tea up to three times per day, or as tolerated. Begin with a single cup daily, increasing gradually if you don't notice any adverse or uncomfortable side effects. For best results, do not add sweeteners or milk to your medicinal teas, as these can lessen the effects of the herbs and offer bacteria a place to breed.
Damiana herbal capsules are available at many health food stores. If you choose to take damiana in this form, take between 400 and 800 mg of the herb up to three times per day, or as tolerated. This is a convenient method for taking the herb, as you don't have to prepare tea infusions several times per day.