Arnica Montana for Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The carpal tunnel is a passageway through the wrist that contains tendons and the median nerve. If this tunnel is injured, swollen or inflamed, symptoms usually present themselves as pain, tingling or numbness. Weakness in the hand can cause difficulty opening jars and the unexpected dropping of objects. Pain can also migrate up the forearm.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a relatively common condition that can be treated with methods ranging from anti-inflammatory agents (ibuprofen) to isolation of movement, or even surgery. One natural alternative is the use and potential benefit of Arnica Montana.
Arnica Montana is a plant native to the mountainous regions of lower Scandinavia and Siberia and is also grown and cultivated in North America. The flower of the shrub is found to have medicinal qualities and has been used to treat ailments such as bruising, swelling, aches and rheumatic conditions, among others for several centuries.
In naturopathic or homeopathic medicine, Arnica is often used in postoperative treatment to inhibit or reduce swelling--following the extraction of wisdom teeth, for example. Many individuals have a desire to follow more original forms of medicine and seek to avoid modern drugs. Many natural products such as Arnica Montana offer effective treatment alternatives.
Arnica is used topically in gel, cream or ointment form and applied directly on an affected area, and it can be taken internally in tablet form. The properties of extracts of the Arnica root act as a vasodilator and have been shown to increase blood circulation and promote healing. This has the effect of oxygenating isolated areas and allowing the body to heal more effectively. With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a cream or gel solution is applied to the wrist. While Arnica is an anti-inflammatory agent similar to ibuprofen, the additional natural properties as a vasodilator distinguish it from pharmaceutical drugs.
Visit with a qualified naturopath or nutritionist affiliated with a health food store to lean more about Arnica gels, lotions, or tablets.
Taken orally, Arnica Montana must be used in a highly diluted form. There are many reputable brand-name products available. Take as directed for limited periods only. As always consult with a qualified health care practitioner with any ongoing medical issue.
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