Herbal Medications for Bipolar Disorder
5-HTP is the abbreviation for 5 hydroxytryptophan, a precursor to the hormone seratonin. Seratonin, known as the "feel good" hormone, helps regulate moods and sleep cycles, and helps to balance other key hormones. Taking supplemental 5 HTP is recommended for a variety of conditions, including anxiety, irritability, insomnia as well as depression. 200 - 300 mg per day is recommended for antidepressant effects.
Lavender essential oil is traditionally used to treat tension headaches and induce relaxation. It is also an effective natural treatment for general moodiness. Its effects are generally mild, and it can be used in conjunction with other therapies. It may be used in massage oil or added to a room diffuser. 100 percent pure essential oils may be taken internally, either by placing one to two drops directly on the tongue or adding two drops to water or herbal teas. Use caution when taking essential oils internally as high amounts can be toxic.
St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort is well known as a natural antidepressant. In a study conducted at the Centre for Complementary Medicine Research, Dr. Klaus Linde and other researchers concluded that hypericum extract (the chemical component of St. John's Wort) was more effective at treating major depression than a placebo. St. John's Wort can interfere with other antidepressants, so it is important not to mix medications. For best results, try taking 300 mg, one to three times per day. It should be noted that the effects of St. John's Wort are not apparent for six to eight weeks. Taking it consistently during that time is essential.
Omega 3 Fatty acids
Those who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder tend to have lower levels of essential fatty acids. Supplements such as fish oil and flax seeds help supply extra fatty acids in the diet. Additionally, bipolar patients may have folic acid and B12 deficiencies. Supplementing with at least 6 grams of omega-3 and at least 200 mcg of B12 along with a B complex per day is recommended.
Because bipolar disorder can cause severe mood changes and even suicidal tendencies, always ask a physician or healthcare professional before beginning herbs or other supplements to treat this disease. Never discontinue taking prescription medication without consulting a doctor first.