How to Naturally Rid Arteries of Plaque
Things You'll Need
- Garlic
- Vitamin C capsules
- Oats
Add plenty of garlic to your daily diet. Allicin is the active ingredient of this common herb. It prevents and reduces the buildup of arterial plaque. Garnish your main dishes with garlic every day. You can also take a garlic supplement daily as well to maximize the benefits. The recommended dosage for garlic supplements is one 500 mg tablet once a day.
Take one 500 mg Vitamin C supplement every day. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help lessen arterial plaque formation while preventing the development of numerous common cardiovascular diseases. You can also consume foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits every day.
Add plenty of oats to your diet. The antioxidant avenanthramide is the active ingredient of oats, which help prevent plaque from clinging to the walls in your arteries. Eat one bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day.
Perform high impact exercises for at least one hour a day. Getting enough exercise can help prevent and loosen plaque from your arteries by speeding up your blood circulation. High impact exercises include running, aerobics and swimming.