Cat's Claw Benefits for Rheumatoid Arthritis
The scientific names of cat's claw are Uncaria guianensis and Uncaria tomentosa. It is also commonly known as uña de gato.
Cat's claw is a wild herb that is primarily grown in the Amazon Rain Forest, It also grows in other countries throughout Central and South America.
Cat's claw has been used for disease treatment and prevention, including arthritis, and it is available for tea preparation, in liquid extract form and in capsules or tablets.
Cat's Claw Study
The Bastyr Center for Natural Health cited the results of a 24-week study of cat's claw effects on 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Cat's claw reduced the pain by more than 50 percent, and beyond the 24 weeks, all patients' conditions improved with the continued use of cat's claw.
According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, mainstream science institutes may be recognizing the effects of cat's claw on rheumatoid arthritis, however, they claim that larger studies must be conducted to validate the works of smaller cat's claw studies.
Consult your healthcare provider about the safety and efficacy of taking cat's claw with any existing medications.