Red Clover Flower Benefits
Although widely reported to prevent cancer, improve menopausal symptoms, and prevent heart disease, so far studies have been inconclusive. The ability of red clover flower to improve skin conditions has been adopted as definitive, but science has been unable to prove these claims.
Although it has not been duplicated in controlled studies, it is believed that the benefits of red clover can be gained through internal consumption (tablets, capsules, tea or extract) or topical application (an ointment or poultice).
Consult a medical professional before using red clover flower. It may cause complications when taken with prescription blood thinners, could reduce the efficacy of birth control pills, and in certain individuals it can increase the risk of cancer.
Fun Fact
The red clover flower is a symbol of good luck, and believed to offer protection of land and body. It is currently the national flower of Denmark, and the state flower of Vermont.
Non-therapeutic Uses
Red clover is a grazing crop that benefits animals as well as the land, revitalizing nutrient poor soil. It is also frequently used to flavor honey, and to add a sweet flavor to salads.