Natural Vitamins for Hot Flashes
The Choice for Natural Vitamins
About 75 percent of American women are affected by hot flashes at some point during menopause. Hot flashes can also be brought on by the breast cancer drug tamoxifen and the bone-building drug raloxifene. To suppress hot flashes women have been prescribed hormone replacement therapy. However, millions of women have refused and instead have opted to try natural vitamin sources. Vitamin B, in the form of soy, is commonly recommended.
The B Vitamins in Soy
Soy is a good source of B vitamins as well as calcium, iron and potassium. It also has an abundance of protein and fiber. Soy is rich in isoflavones and plant estrogen; this helps to alleviate hot flashes, while lowering the risk of cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease. It should be avoided in protein powders as that can induce hormonal imbalance. While soy in supplement form is available, the most potent form is in fermented foods like miso and soy yogurt.
Wild Yam
Wild yam has gained in popularity to treat hot flashes. It can be purchased as a supplement, a food, a salve or as a cream. It has the reputation of being a natural progesterone that can balance the body's hormonal system. Wild yam has long been a part of the Chinese herbal tradition. It has been used not only to alleviate hot flashes, but also to quell night sweats, end insomnia and ease joint pain.
Evening Primrose Oil
Omega-6 fatty acids are highly recommended to control hot flashes. Evening primrose oil is one of the richest sources of omega-6. These fatty acids are recommended by nutritionists, physicians, and beauty and health consultants. They improve bone health, prevent heart disease and support healthy immune function. The recommendation is a 2,000-mg dosage of evening primrose oil taken daily in capsule form.
The GLA Benefits of Starflower
Starflower is more commonly known as borage. Its seeds produce borage oil. It is the best known plant-based source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA). This omega-6 fatty acid can reduce inflammation, combat rheumatoid arthritis, nerve damage and Alzheimer's-induced memory loss. It contains oleic and palmitic acid with known cholesterol-lowering properties. Starflower is known to allay hot flashes. It can be purchased in infusions, oil or supplement form.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh has been used successfully to treat hot flashes and is recommended by The North American Menopause Society. Despite having estrogen-like effects, it does not raise blood levels of estrogen. Black cohosh extract is recommended in pill form. A common dosage is one to two pills taken twice daily and should not be used for more than six months.
Health Warnings about Vitamin E
In the past vitamin E was recommended but it comes with a warning now. According to research done at the Mayo Clinic, vitamin E may provide relief for mild hot flashes for some women. The recommended dosage is up to 400 international units (IU) daily. However, recent reports have questioned its safety for cardiovascular health should it be taken over a longer period of time and in higher doses.