Natural Cures for Abnormal Bleeding
Stopping the Blood
If you are losing blood extremely fast or for an unexplained reason the first step is stopping it quickly. If normal methods of putting pressure on it with a compress or tourniquet cannot stop the bleeding, try the herbal remedy Sangre De Drago (Croton lechleri). Sangre De Drago, which is also referred to as Dragon's Blood, forms a layer of resin created by the compound taspine when it is applied to the skin. This layer acts as a second skin which can stop bleeding, impede swelling and inflammation, and allow the skin to begin healing itself. Renowned author and doctor Dr. James Duke has spoken on the healing properties of Sangre de Drago. "(Sangre de Drago) was shown to effectively heal wounded rats . . . the whole dragon's blood was shown to speed healing four times faster (than its components alone)." The product is available as part of various ointments and tinctures in natural goods stores.
Healing the Blood
Once you have stopped the bleeding or if your blood is taking on a strange quality (like an odd color) then trying to normalize and heal your blood is the next step. The herb Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) has been used for various types of blood disorders and has mild detoxification properties. Yellow Dock can help to relieve clogged blood in the body, which may lead to abnormal coloring, and it can improve conditions like anemia due to its high iron content. Dr. Paul Barney states that the herb is used for blood disorders and helps by "(enhancing) the liver's ability to filter the blood." Take 50 drops of Yellow Dock tincture three times a day.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) can improve stagnant circulation of blood and has similar detoxification properties to Yellow Dock. In a 2003 study, nettle was found to have blood-healing properties in relation to anemia and other blood disorders. A sort of healthy-blood tea can be devised by boiling 2 nettle leaves, 1 plantain leaf, and 3 mint leaves in a cup of water for 3 minutes to strengthen the blood's circulation and relieve it of some toxins.
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) has been used to treat various blood disorders like varicose veins, high blood pressure, and abnormal bleeding. A 2009 study showed that an extract of buckwheat could improve high blood pressure and strengthen the heart. Create a tea with the herb by adding 2 grams of dried buckwheat to 150 milliliters of water and drink the tea two to three times a day for one to two months.
Special Cases
For very specific colors and symptoms of abnormal bleeding, homeopathic remedies have a good track record for their healing abilities. That being said, many traditional doctors do not believe in the efficacy of these remedies. Receive proper diagnosis from a licensed homeopathic doctor only. Take a 12c dose (where c is equal to 100 times the standard homeopathic potency) every fifteen minutes for all types of bleeding for the remedy that matches your symptoms.
Ipecac is a remedy used for bright red blood that may have gushed from the stomach, lungs, nose, bladder, bowels, or uterus. This bleeding may be accompanied by nausea, a rattling cough, and cold sweats.
Hamamelis is used if the blood produced is dark, possibly from ruptured veins, injuries, nosebleeds, the intestines, rectum, or the stomach. The symptoms may get worse in open air or when any pressure is put on the problematic area. Use Lachesis if the blood is dark and blackish and the affected area looks blue-black in color with swelling and spots. This can be used for bleeding in alcoholics, women experiencing menopause, and with hemophiliacs as well.
For a slow bleeder who has blood that is thin in texture and if you bleed or bruise quite easily, try phosphorus .