Kidney Cleanse with Cayenne Pepper
Getting Started
The kidney cleanse lasts five days. Begin your cleanse when you have a few days off. If you work Monday to Friday, start on Saturday so that you are free to rest and adjust to your new diet for two days. On the first day, drink 8 oz. distilled water as soon as you wake up. This will flush leftover food and digestive juices out of the system. Within one hour of awakening, prepare and drink the morning cleansing drink. Combine 2 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon), 2 tbsp. grade B organic maple syrup (the darker the better), 1/10 tsp. (a small pinch) cayenne pepper (gradually increase this amount every day), and 10 to 14 oz. pure water.
After you drink your cayenne cleansing drink, enjoy some fresh fruit or fresh vegetable juices for breakfast. This will continue the detoxifying process. If you find that you need some extra bulk before lunch, have a piece of fruit, a smoothie or herbal tea. Do not eat or drink for an hour before lunch.
For lunch, diluted fresh raw vegetable juices along with some raw vegetables chopped up in a salad will continue your cleanse. Dress the salad with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, avocado and some sea salt. Herbs and spices can be sprinkled on to add taste. You can also make some vegetable broth. Boil vegetables for an hour, drain, and drink the juice. Drink herbal teas to warm and hydrate the body. Drink as much pure water as you like to continue flushing the system.
In the evenings, continue to consume liquids but avoid salads or vegetables to give the digestive system a full rest overnight. Diluted fruit juices, fruits, smoothies and herbal teas are permitted. If you are beginning to get hungry, just try to rest and get through it.
Throughout the day, you can consume raw vegetables, salads, sprouts, broth, fresh juices, herbal teas and plenty of water. It is essential that you drink at least one gallon (128 oz.) of liquid per day. That is about 8 oz. each hour.
Continuing the Cleanse
After the cleanse, in order to keep the kidneys functioning optimally and prevent stones, drink plenty of water. Do not drink coffee, alcohol or other dehydrating beverages. The kidneys need plenty of fluids to constantly flush through. Melons should be enjoyed regularly for good kidney health.
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