Amazonian Herbs for Cancer Treatment
Amazonian Herbs
Graviola leaves, according to, kill cancer cells. These leaves show selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells and, according to, they break up tumors, remove toxins and destroy up to 10,000 more cancer cells than chemotherapy medications. They have been effective against prostate, lung, breast, colon and pancreatic cancers.
Espinheira santa leaves are from trees in the Amazon that can grow up to 16 feet high. Taken as a supplement or stewed in tea, they are often used with chemotherapy drugs to reduce chemotherapy side effects and to boost immunity. Taken without cancerous medicine, according to, they naturally reduce tumor and cancerous activities. No research shows that they cure cancer, but they help relieve pain and symptoms.
Curcumin tincture is another plant found in the Amazon that, according to, intervenes with the initiation and growth of cancer cells and tumors, stops the growth of colon and skin cancer and enhances the effectiveness of drugs used to fight cancer, such as radiation.
Una de gato boosts the immune system, destroys cancer cells and works against the medicines that bring the immune systems down, according to This herb isn't used alone to fight cancer, but helps boost the immune system weakened from cancer drugs. This herb stops hair loss from chemotherapy and keeps blood counts up.
Arcozon and aquazon are two other herbs that says seek and destroy mutated cancer cells.
Over 20,000 plants have been tested by numerous universities and scientific organizations, including the National Cancer Institute and Purdue University. In these studies, herbs have been found to be beneficial in boosting the immune system and counteracting cancerous drug side effects. However, no government-based research, such as by the FDA, has proven that these herbs cure cancer so not enough information on the effects of herbs is available.
According to the National Cancer Institute, herbal use should always be discussed between a patient and her doctor because some herbs can counteract the drugs in a negative way. Both the National Institute for Cancer and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine host numerous clinical trials to test the effects of herbs.