Milk Thistle & Dandelion Benefits
The use of milk thistle dates back to the Romans and was commonly used as late as the mid-twentieth century by most physicians. Dandelion root has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Arabic medicine and Native American medicine for hundreds of years.
Most people recognize dandelion by its wispy flowers and stubborn root system. Milk thistle is an annual herb with leaves that have white spots, thorns, purple or white flowers and grows up to five feet tall.
Milk thistle and dandelion root are both helpful for liver conditions, gallbladder and gallstones, countering inflammation and improving kidney function.
Expert Insight
The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy (ESCOP) recommends the use of dandelion root for loss of appetite and endorses dandelion for treating liver disorders, appetite loss and fluid retention.
Milk thistle contains a flavenoid called silymarin that has four active compounds--silybinin, silychristin, silydianin and isosilybinin--that make it so effective for treating liver disorders. As of 2009, milk thistle seeds are the only known source of silymarin.