Alternatives to Hormone Replacement
Aromatherapy, the therapeutic use of essential oils, can help alleviate certain symptoms. For hot flashes, try lemon, peppermint or sage. Lavender is good for anxiety, depression, insomnia and headaches. Cardamom and patchouli are good for irritability. Essential oils can be inhaled through a diffuser, added to a bath, or combined with base oil such as almond to make massage oil. Undiluted essential oils should never be applied directly to the skin.
Chiropractic Medicine
Back pain can occur when estrogen levels decline or at the onset of osteoporosis. Adjustments to the spine may alleviate this pain as well as headaches and muscular tension. According to Holistic Online, a 1973 study found 95 percent of patients receiving spinal care experienced relief of gynecological symptoms.
Foods containing phytoestrogens, such as soy-based products, yams, carrots and apples, may alleviate hot flashes. Increasing the amount of calcium in the diet can prevent osteoporosis. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day minimizes hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Caffeine, alcohol, sugar and spicy foods should be avoided to help prevent hot flashes and mood swings.
Herbal Remedies
Black cohosh is the most commonly used herbal supplement for menopause symptoms. Dong Quai is also commonly used, as it is high in natural plant estrogens, although no clinical studies provide evidence that it works. St. John's wort combats mild to moderate depression, but should not be taken with prescription anti-depressants. Kava has been shown to alleviate anxiety. As with any herbal supplements, it is important to speak with your doctor about the effects it may have on other medications or existing conditions.
Weight bearing exercises, such as walking, running and tennis, increase bone density. For an added benefit, perform these exercises outdoors to boost Vitamin D production. Yoga combines exercises that massage the organs and increase overall core balance with deep breathing and relaxation techniques, and also includes weight bearing poses.