Preparation of Kava
According to Phyllis Balch, author of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, kava root contains phytochemicals and nutrients that give promote physical and mental relaxation. Kava can ease muscle tension and relieve pain. Balch recommends kava to relieve anxiety disorders and PMS symptoms.
Warnings: Do not consume excessive amounts of kava. Do not operate motor vehicles or motorized equipment after consuming kava. Do not mix kava with alcohol or sedatives. Consult your physician about possible interactions with medications.
Use one of three simple kava preparation methods. describes the traditional Micronesian way to prepare kava. This method may require two people. Beat fresh kava root until it is pulpy and add hibiscus bark to extract a dark liquid extract. Drink this thick and potent potion in small quantities.
Prepare hot kava by mixing kava powder and water. Simmer, cool and strain. The result is a fairly powerful kava extract. By the cold method, wrap kava powder in a clean cotton cloth and dunk in cold water until you have kava-infused liquid.
Ratios and Amounts
Begin preparing your own kava drink with small amounts of kava. The drink can be made strong, but you may not want such powerful effects. If you start with small amounts of kava and lighter products, you can always make the drink stronger. The taste is bitter.