Medicinal Herb Information
Aloe Vera
Aloe barbadensis or aloe vera is an herbal plant that has been proven to be an efficient and effective treatment for allergies, wounds and skin infections. It may even be used to control the onset of different types of medical problems such as asthma, obesity, gingivitis, arthritis and constipation. It may also aid with muscle strains, intestinal inflammations and many symptoms and conditions. Known as "harmonious remedy" by the Chinese and as the "elixir of the youth" by the Russians, the aloe vera contains active substances that provide therapeutic effects to a variety of health problems.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is one of the most studied herbs. It has been used in making a variety of pharmaceutical products because of its therapeutic properties. This medicinal herb contains flavonoids and terpenoids---chemical substances that may provide therapeutic effects to a variety of bodily disorders. Ginkgo biloba is also used to improve blood circulation and to enhance concentration and memory. It may also be used in treating tuberculosis, skin diseases, impotence caused by antidepressives, angina pectoralis, gonorrhea, vertigo, high blood tension and many other health problems. It may even be used to treat Alzheimer's disease.
Bananas are among the types of medicinal herbs that are most commonly seen and consumed by the general population. However, many may realize the medicinal properties contained in bananas. Bananas are rich in fiber, folic acid, potassium, iron, carbohydrates, proteins, zinc, and vitamins C, A, B, B6 and E, as well as serotonin. Bananas are also helpful in the treatment of arterial pressure, anemia, constipation and ulcers. It can also be used to regulate heartbeats, calm nerves and for some combat the effects of smoking.
Scientifically known as taraxacum officinale, the dandelion has a variety of therapeutic uses. It can be used as a laxative, astringent, choleretic, diuretic, and venotonic. It may also be used as an antioxidant and anticancer agent. In addition, it may be used in cleaning blood impurities, calming rheumatic pains, reducing cholesterol level and treating hepatic dermatosis. This medicinal herb contains a high amount of vegetal fibers as well as vitamins B1, C, A and D. It also contains reshines, tannin, insulin, iron, calcium, phosphorus potassium and sodium.
A shrub that has either white or yellow flowers, jasmine is most commonly known as a main ingredient for tea. Unbeknown to many, however, this flowery shrub also possesses medicinal properties that may be used as an antidepression and antistress agent. It may also be used to improve digestion and as an aphrodisiac. Jasmine is also known to improve blood circulation.