Natural Progesterone & Menopause
There are other alternative methods, however, that although not necessarily proven to work, many claim to be effective.
Natural progesterone has long been used for menopausal symptoms and has worked for a large number of patients. There are also negative effects that have been reported, so following is a list of the main facts regarding this treatment.
Progesterone Cream
This is a cream applied to skin, which releases progesterone into the bloodstream and is said to reduce hot flashes, bloating, depression and headaches. There are reports that have shown new bone growth in X-rays of osteoporosis patients.
No Side Effects
Natural progesterone therapies have no side effects unlike synthetic progestins that can trigger bloating, cervical erosion, bone fracture risk, blood clotting, depression and even stroke in some rare cases, according to studies conducted by the Women's Health Initiative under the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Excess of Estrogen
Some doctors believe that menopause may be caused by an excess of estrogen and not a deficiency of it, as conventionally believed. Thus, natural progesterone is effective in counteracting the symptoms suffered in menopause due to too much estrogen.
Risks of Natural Progesterone
According to the North American Menopause Society, some natural custom compounds with natural progesterone are not approved by the FDA. Also, many have not been tested for purity, potency, efficacy or safety.
No Official Evidence
There is no tested evidence that natural progesterone is more effective in the treatment of menopause than standard HRT. The advice of a physician should be sought before solely relying on a natural treatment for menopause.
FDA Approved Natural Progesterone (Prometrium)
A natural progesterone called Prometrium is FDA-approved and it is a better choice than the unregulated, compounded products that may not be deemed safe or effective. This is a good choice for patients seeking a more natural approach to treating their menopausal symptoms.