Herbal Remedies for Yeast Infection
Garlic is probably one of the oldest and most widely used treatments for yeast infections. It can be used to prevent future outbreaks as well as to treat a current infection. Garlic tablets can be taken on a daily basis and are available at a pharmacy or your local health food store. Many people choose to take garlic tablets instead of ingesting the garlic directly because of the foul breath garlic tends to give people.
Garlic in raw form is the best, and most people simply add garlic to their salads and meals throughout the day in an attempt to ward off infection, but you can also eat garlic directly by swallowing one tablespoon of fresh garlic three times a day. Diced garlic is available already chopped up in the produce section of most grocery stores.
Some women choose to treat their vaginal yeast infection by inserting a clove of garlic wrapped in cheesecloth into the vaginal area just before bed. The garlic should be removed the next morning, and this treatment should be repeated for five to seven days. This process is not possible for men, but I have heard of some men who use the juice from diced jar garlic in the same manner (rubbing the juice on their penis area before bed and washing it off the next morning). Keep in mind that anytime garlic is inserted or applied directly, the user will typically be able to taste garlic in his or her mouth.
Lavender is a natural anti-fungal treatment. It can be applied directly to the infected skin (using lavender essential oil), or as an alternative some people choose to add either lavender essential oil or dried lavender herb tied in a piece of cheesecloth directly to their bathwater. Sit in the bath for at least 10 to 15 minutes, up to three times a day. Again, this treatment should be implemented for five to seven days.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel assists in killing the yeast cells naturally. You can break a leaf off of an aloe vera plant and rub the gel from the broken plant leaf directly on the affected area. The juice of aloe vera plants can also be purchased from the pharmacy section of many supermarkets and drugstores, such as Wal-Mart and Walgreen's, for about $8. As with the garlic and lavender treatments, the aloe vera treatment should be repeated for five to seven days.
If natural treatments don't seem to work, seek medical intervention immediately. Sometimes prescription medication is needed in order to get rid of a raging yeast infection.