Benefits of Graviola Leaf

Graviola leaves are large, shiny, dark green leaves that grow on the evergreen Graviola tree, which can be found in the rainforests of North and South America. While scientifically classified as annona muricata, graviola is also known by localized names such as guanabana, Brazilian paw paw and soursop. All of the parts of the graviola tree have been traditionally used for medicinal purposes, including its bark, roots, seeds, oil, fruit and leaves. Today, capsules and tinctures made with graviola leaf are often prescribed to help cure depression and cancer.
  1. How it Works

    • According to, research has shown that graviola contain chemicals called annonaceous acetogenins. These chemicals have been proven to have strong anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, and anti-tumurous properties. Annonaceous acetogenins are inhibitors of an enzyme found in cancerous cell tissue, and also block the transportation of ATP, which can help destroy multi-drug-resistance cancers.

    Traditional Uses

    • Graviola leaves have been used for centuries by indigenous tribes of American rainforests. They are praised for their antispasmodic, hypotensive and sedative properties. Often they are mixed with the roots, bark, fruit juice, and oils of the graviola leaves to make teas and solutions. Teas are used as heart tonics, mood elevators and to cure flu, coughs and inflammatory conditions. Mixtures made with graviola leaves are applied externally to cure arthritis pain, rheumatism and neuralgia. Crushed leaves are also spread on beds to help with sleep.

    Modern Uses

    • Today, medications containing graviola leaf are prescribed to treat bacterial and fungal infections, parasites, worms, high blood pressure, stress, nervous disorders, and most commonly, depression and cancer. Graviola may interfere with cardiac depressant, antihypertensive and MAO inhibiting drugs, but these interactions are rare and usually not harmful. Capsules and tinctures made from graviola leaf have more powerful healing properties than unprocessed leaves.


    • Annonaceous acetogenins found in graviola leaf and other parts of the graviola plant have the ability to destroy cancerous cells without affecting healthy ones. While there has yet to be a patented cancer drug made from graviola, many patients and health professionals have included graviola as a supplement to their cancer therapy regiments.


    • The graviola tree contains alkaloids that have been shown to reduce the affects of depression. These alkaloids inhibit the uptake of serotonin in the brain, which is responsible for controlling the level of happiness or joy a person feels. However, studies have suggested that these alkaloids may actually be detrimental to the nervous system, and have been linked to the development of Parkinson's disease.

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