Natural UTI Remedies
The root of the spicy horseradish plant is used as a traditional medicine for a plethora of ailments including UTI, respiratory problems, joint pain, and wounds. The oils in horseradish, which are similar to oils found in mustard, work similar to antibiotics, killing the bacteria associated with urinary tract infections as well as other bladder problems. For urinary tract infections, 3 to 5 g of fresh horseradish root should be consumed three times daily.
Uva Ursi
Uva ursi is an herb that has been approved in Germany for the treatment of bladder infections, and used as an herbal medication for UTI in the United States. Its active ingredient is arbutin, which kills bacteria associated with urinary tract infections. For treatment, take 5 ml of uva ursi tincture two to five times per day. Alternately, take 250 mg of herbal arbutin three times per day in capsule form. If you prefer tea, soak 3 g of dried uva ursi leaves into 5 oz. of boiling water. The tea can be consumed up to five times per day.
Cranberry is a fruit native to North America, and has been used for centuries to alleviate a variety of ailments, including blood disorders, skin problems, vomiting, bladder and uriniary tract infections, scurvy, and appetite loss. Cranberry is effective in treating a UTI because it prevents the bacteria E.coli from forming in the bladder. E.coli is the bacteria directly responsible for urinary tract infections. Consume 10 to 16 oz. of cranberry juice per day. Concentrated cranberry extract may be taken as an alternative. Take 400 mg twice per day in the tablet form.