Flatulence Home Remedy
Garlic and Ginger
Use the juice from a clove of garlic and a piece of ginger. You can either extract the juice yourself using a press or you can buy the juice at grocery stores, health food stores or even online. Mix the juices together in a glass of warm water and drink. This will help immediately cure acute incidents of flatulence.
Baking Soda
Buy some baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, from your local drug or grocery store. Mix this with a cup of water, the juice of a whole lemon and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt. Drink the mixture, which is also mainly for acute incidents of flatulence.
Menthol has anti-flatulence properties. If you are experiencing flatulence or you just had a meal that you think might cause flatulence, suck on a mint.
Honey And Dill
Combine a teaspoon of honey with a drop of dill oil, which can be purchased at some health food and drug stores. Consume this whenever your flatulence problem flares up. This is a good regular remedy to use for both acute and chronic flatulence.
Fennel Seeds
Like peppermints, fennel seeds are a good after-meal snack to both help prevent and remedy flatulence. Simply consume a teaspoon-full.
The best way to relieve chronic flatulence is to adjust your diet. Everyone's body reacts to foods differently, so it is important that you personally take the time and make the effort to identify what foods irritate your stomach and cause gas for you. Common foods that cause gas include broccoli, meats, beans and dairy products, such as milk and cheese. Anything high in sulfur content, such as eggs, can also contribute to gas. Be sure to limit your intake of these types of foods and take note of whether your flatulence improves. Continue to adjust until it does.