Natural Herbs for Heart Blockage

Healthy arteries are smooth and open, allowing blood to flow through easily. However, arteries often become blocked or clogged, preventing the blood from traveling through them and slowing the journey of the oxygen-rich blood to the heart. In severe cases, this can cause strokes or heart attacks.
  1. Radix Astragali seu Hedysari

    • The Astragalus root is effective in dilating the coronary artery and surround capillaries. It also invigorates vital energy and the spleen and is effective in treating skin ulcers.

    Radix Ophiopogonis

    • The Ophiopogon root has demonstrated increased coronary flow and improved myocardial contractability in guinea pigs. This multipurpose root is also effective in nourishing the stomach and lungs and decreasing blood sugar.

    Fructus Psoralea

    • The Scurfpea fruit, grown in China, is known to dilate the coronary artery significantly. It also invigorates the kidney and spleen.

    Radix Angelicae Sinensis

    • Also known as the Chinese angelica, this root's primary function is to enrich blood. It dilates the coronary artery, increases coronary flow and decreases oxygen consumption. It also protects the liver from damage.

    Flos Carthami

    • Commonly known as safflower, this flower promotes blood circulation. It has been shown to increase coronary flow and reduce blood pressure in dogs.

    Other Herbs

    • Other herbs used to treat heart blockage are Polyporus Umbellatus, Fructus Schisandrae, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata and Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae.

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