Benefits of Mineral Oil
Mineral oil is often used as a lubricant for engineering purposes because it doesn't degrade as quickly as biological oils, states New World Encyclopedia. New World further points out that mineral oil, combined with resin, is used in the manufacture of gel candles. It is a common ingredient in some antacids, diaper rash medications, eye care products, hemorrhoid medications and in some laxatives.
Mineral oil provides extra moisture for your skin because it acts as a barrier between your skin and the air, according to The Beauty Brains website, and is often used as a base in cosmetics and other topical skin products. When ingested, mineral oil works as a laxative to treat infrequent or incomplete bowel movements, by increasing the amount of water in the stool and making it easier for the stool to pass through the intestine.
If you are instructed by your health care provider to take mineral oil, follow her dosage instructions. The amount you take varies on your age, medical condition and response to treatment. Drink six to eight large glasses of water throughout the day, unless instructed otherwise. Take it at the same time each day to help you remember. Blue Shield of California recommends taking mineral oil on an empty stomach in order to reduce its interference in the body's absorption of certain vitamins and minerals.
Mineral oil is a liquid oil produced from petroleum, and overdose can occur when more than the recommended amount is taken. Mineral oil is relatively nontoxic and recovery is likely, states a fact sheet. Symptoms of an overdose include abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, nausea and vomiting. If these symptoms occur after taking mineral oil, seek immediate medical help.
According to Blue Shield of California, since mineral oil interferes with the absorption of various nutrients and vitamins, it should be taken on an empty stomach. Skin irritations may occur around the rectum, states Do not take mineral oil if you are pregnant and do not give it to a newborn. Do not take mineral oil for longer than one week. Talk to your health care provider to prevent drug interactions, especially if you use oral contraceptives.