Herbs for the Reproductive System
The pantex--meaning "cure-all" in Greek, species of ginseng--is native to China, Japan and Korea. Although ginseng is often utilized as an aphrodisiac, so far only lab animal studies have proven this out. The pantax species of the herb has been shown, however, to increase sperm and help the testes to grow in rabbits. It also enhances ovulation in frogs, stimulates egg-laying in chickens and increases mating in male rats. While further study is needed on humans, ginseng does increase sperm count and movement of sperm in men, as well as increasing testosterone levels.
Ginseng consumption may cause breast tenderness in women, but it can also help postmenopausal women who experience vaginal dryness. It appears that the plant has hormones and other compounds that assist the female body to produce estrogen and progesterone as well.
European Raspberry
European raspberry is well known for inducing a soothing, tonic action on a pregnant woman's body. It has also been credited with preventing miscarriages and helping lactating mothers to produce more milk.
Dong Quai
Native to southwestern China and Japan, dong quai has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine for treating problems of the female reproductive system. The herb seems to decrease premenstrual symptoms (PMS), menstrual migraines and uterine pain during menstruation.
Small independent studies are currently underway for dong quai treatment for men. Researchers hope to find that the herb may reduce or prevent testicular disease resulting from vitamin E deficiency.
Astragalus is a herbaceous perennial native to northern China and Tibet. It has long been used in Chinese medicine to both strengthen and invigorate. Not only is it useful in relieving the common cold, but water solutions of the herb may significantly help increase the movement of sperm in vitro.
Chaste Tree
Chaste tree, aptly named for its ancient reputation as a libido decreaser in women, is a deciduous, aromatic shrub native to Mediterranean Europe, central Asia and parts of India. Today, the tree's berries are used as an agent for increasing lactation in nursing mothers. It may also be of benefit to women with sterility problems due to the absence of menstruation.
Other Herbs for Men
Impotence and premature ejaculation may be alleviated by herbal concoctions prepared from straining the extracts of ginseng, ginger, saffron and vanilla beans.
More Herbs for Women
Lady's mantle is a useful uterine herb, helpful in regulating the menstrual cycle and controlling menstrual flooding. The roots and leaves of European angelica may have similar effects. Herbs such as parsley leaf, pennyroyal flowers, rue leaf and tansy leaves can make a woman's uterus stronger and tougher in preparation for childbirth.