Uses for Aloe

Traditionally, the aloe vera plant has been used for its medicinal properties. Aloe can form a soothing film over skin and promote wound healing. It also possesses purgative properties that stimulate bowel movements.
  1. History

    • For centuries, aloe from the pulp of the aloe vera leaves has been used to treat skin conditions, burns and wounds.

    Special Skin Conditions

    • According to a monograph prepared by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration, there is good scientific evidence that aloe can be used to treat dandruff, psoriasis and male genital herpes.


    • Latex from the inner lining of the aloe leaf is used as a laxative, though caution is recommended when taking aloe orally.


    • Around the world, aloe is served as a sweet juice drink that usually contains water, aloe vera and sugar.

    Potential Uses

    • The use of aloe to treat cancer and some blood diseases is being studied by scientists who believe the molecular component, acemannan, stimulates the body's disease-fighting abilities.

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