Herbal Cures for Swollen Nasal Passages
Wild Thyme
Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) is a rare and native plant to Europe that can be found growing in old rocky deserted grounds, open land, and dried-up grass turfs. The herb's flowering tops have been used to treat wounds, ulcers, and the symptoms related to colds and the flu. Wild Thyme contains decongestant properties which allow it to shrink swollen nasal passages, unclog the ears, and heal other sinus disorders. See an herbalist for proper dosage for your particular condition and body type.
Wood Betony
Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis) was a very popular herb in the Middle Ages used in many healing amulets and for over twenty different conditions. The herb can help to remedy poor memory, nervous tension, and headaches caused by sinus pressure. When wood betony is combined with comfrey and linden flowers it is known to relieve swollen and conested nasal passages. Mix equal parts of the three herbs together then pour a cup of boiling water on two teaspoons of the mixture. Let it steep for fifteen minutes and drink the tea three times a day.
Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) is a small, hardy, annual plant that can be fround growing in Europe and sub-arctic parts of North America. The aerial parts of this plant have been used to reduce inflammation in the eyes, the middle ear, and the nasal passages. You can also relieve general congestion and stuffiness with eyebright. Eeybright can be taken as an herbal infusion created in a similar way to wood betony or by taking three milliliters of an herbal tincture three times a day. It is not recommended as a compress unless combined with the complimentary herb goldenseal.
Ground Ivy
Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) is a perennial plant with purplish-blue flowers that was once popular for herbal remedies in the time of Dioscorides. The stems, flowers, and leaves of the herb have been used for lingering congestion, "glue ear," and swollen sinuses and nasal passages. An infusion of the herb can be created from one teaspoon of the herb in a boiling cup of water steeped for fifteen minutes. Drink the tea three times a day to treat your condition.
Some herbal remedies can cause allergic reactions or they can interact with medications that you may be taking. Consult your physician or integrated medical practitioner to ensure that you are taking the right dose for your condition. Only take the recommended doses for your prescribed herbs.