Herpetiformis Herbal Treatments

The autoimmune skin condition dermatitis herpetiformis is often linked to celiac disease, which causes a sensitivity to gluten. Any consumption of gluten can worsen the condition. The immune system responds by releasing histamine, which causes itching. Symptoms also include a burning sensation along with eruptions of blister-like sores in patches. Herbal remedies can relieve some of the irritation.
  1. Herbs

    • Try herbs such as lavender, plantain, violet and rosewater to minimize the itching associated with eruptions of dermatitis herpetiformis. A compress of diluted vinegar can also reduce itching. Aloe applied topically is effective, as are cabbage leaf poultices. Papaya juice and chamomile both have antihistamine properties and can be taken internally as well as applied topically. Take flaxseed oil to reduce dry skin that can exacerbate the itching.


    • Taking certain vitamins and minerals can also provide some relief. People with dermatitis herpetiformis often suffer from selenium deficiency. Another common feature is malabsorption of iron, which can lead to anemia. Vitamin E helps reduce itching and dry skin. Some people find Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) helpful for reducing skin lesions. When used for this purpose, a typical dose is 9 to 24 mgs of PABA daily.


    • Change your diet if you are affected by dermatitis herpetiformis. Avoid or severely reduce your intake of gluten, since the condition is often caused by an allergic reaction to gluten. If a gluten-free diet doesn't eliminate or reduce outbreaks, try eliminating dairy--some people are sensitive to a protein in milk that can also cause dermatitis herpetiformis. It can take up to one year of eating a gluten-free diet before you notice significant improvement.

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