Dry Mouth Alternative Cure

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is the result of a lack of saliva production. Saliva is responsible for helping us talk and spit. It helps us chew, lubricates food and sends nutrients to the teeth. It also fights cavities because it washes away food particles and plaque. Dry mouth can cause teeth and gum infection and decay. It can also keep you from enjoying food to the fullest since taste is compromised. Other symptoms associated with xerostomia are extreme thirst, a dry tongue, lip sores, chapped lips, sore throat, bad breath and a hoarse voice.
  1. Causes of Dry Mouth

    • Hydration is necessary to keeping the saliva glands working, so dehydration is a major cause of dry mouth. Another common cause of dry mouth is nonprescription and prescription drugs; it is often a side effect mentioned on medication labels. Radiation therapy, menopause, surgical removal of the salivary glands and smoking can also be the cause of dry mouth.


    • Celery is full of water and is a perfect snack for those with dry mouth. It moistens the mouth and gets the saliva flowing,


    • Parsley is a natural breath sweetener and moisturizer. This popular garnish is packed with vitamins A and C, calcium and iron. Dendrobian is a Chinese herb that is known for its amazing saliva-inducing benefits. It is often made into a tea. American Ginseng Liquid Extract is another herb used to treat dry mouth naturally. Just swirl 10 or so drops around in the mouth.


    • The answer to dry mouth may be found in the spice cabinet. Cayenne pepper is known to stimulate the saliva glands and get the taste buds working. Rosemary, fennel and aniseed can be used to reverse bad breath and stimulate saliva production. They also fight germs and are often used in mouthwash. Ginger can also be finely chopped and chewed or made into a spicy tea to promote saliva production.

    Other Alternative Remedies

    • Breathing through the mouth can cause dry mouth, so it is a good idea for those with this problem to work on breathing through their nose. Yoga is a form of exercise that can help to make this transition. A vaporizer can also be used to add moisture to the air, especially at bed time when the mouth can become particularly dry.

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