Herbs That Clean Mucoid Plaque in the Colon
Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D coined the phrase "mucoid plaque." Dr. Anderson described mucoid plaque as an unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucus matter on the intestinal walls. This matter is produced when the body has been subject to drugs, heavy metals, salt, alcohol, parasites, harmful microbes and their toxins, processed foods and toxic chemicals.
Dr. Anderson created a method to cleanse this mucus after several healing attempts due to being close to death and suffering from memory loss, pain and fatigue in 1983. He added a special diet to maintain a healthy alkaline balance in his system.
Mucoid plaque can slow down digestion, nutrient absorption and waste excretion. It can create a haven for parasites and harmful bacteria. It can allow intestinal toxins to linger, causing colon cancers and gastric carcinomas. When this plaque is not periodically excreted, it will grow thicker and feces will adhere to it, causing slow bowel movements or constipation. It may also cause gastric distress and flatulence. Some herbs have a laxative effect, which will help make bowel movements easier. Others will aid in cleansing and removing toxins from the body and others will provide essential digestive enzymes.
Laxative herbs, such as buckthorne bark, cascara sagrada and peach leaves aid in bowel movements.
Cleansing herbs, such as barberry root, blue violet leaves, chickweed, ginger root, mullein leaf, psyllium husks, pumpkin seeds, kelp, and yellow dock cleanse by stimulating the release of toxins and cleansing mucoid plaque and fat accumulations in the intestine.
Digestive herbs, such as alfalfa, dandelion root, peppermint leaf, fennel seed and licorice root will offer essential enzymes to aid in the digestion and breakup of food particles.
Many times, colon cleansing is accompanied by fasting. Fasts may include abstaining from eating processed foods and allowing only light soups or broths and fruit juices, as well as drinking plenty of water.
Some colon-cleansing kits are very expensive. Separate herbs can be mixed in the right doses for much less money. See your herbal specialist or natural nutritionist for help in this area.
Though many of these herbs can be used together to fight mucoid plaque, care must be taken in administering them in proper doses. Psyllium, the chief ingredient in many commercial bulk laxatives, contains a high level of soluble fiber to aid in eliminating waste, but it may also promote gas retention.