Herbal Treatment for a Dry Mouth
Prickly Ash and Marshmallow
Prickly ash can help soothe symptoms of dry mouth. Take 10 to 20 drops of prickly ash tincture mixed into 1/4 cup of water and drink three to seven times a day as needed. Prickly ash tincture helps to promote saliva production and can reduce oral irritation.
Marshmallow is a gooey throat soother with a medicinal history. Nineteenth century doctors cooked juices from the marshmallow plant's roots and mixed them with egg whites and sugar to create a substance very similar to the candy marshmallows of today. This mixture was given to children for sore throats. The method behind this madness was that marshmallow actually contains compounds called mucilage which helps in the production of saliva, thereby soothing throat and mouth irritation. Marshmallow teas are sometimes available in health food stores, or you can make marshmallow tea at home by combining 1/2 to 1 tsp. of crushed marshmallow root with one cup of water and boiling for ten minutes. Steep, then drink for relief of dry mouth.
Slippery Elm
Natural herbal slippery elm lozenges are available at health food stores and are effective in treating irritations of the throat. Slippery elm has mucilaginous properties in that it promotes saliva production. It is soothing to the membranes of the throat. For use as a lozenge, you can suck on these products as often as needed for relief of dry mouth and throat symptoms. However, if you find that you are using them to excess, consult your physician for other treatment options.
Green tea with Chamomile and Ginger
Chinese green tea when combined with chamomile and ginger can have saliva producing properties. Look for this combination tea formula at any reputable health food store or herbal supplier or you can make your own at home. Simply combine 1 tsp. of each dried herb in 1 cup of boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink for relief. This tea is safe to drink up to three times a day.