Alkaline Foods & Yeast Infection
Causes of Infection
Yeast infections are caused by the growth of a fungus known as candida. As explained in an article by Brown University's health center, when Candida multiplies too quickly in the vaginal area it can cause a yeast infection. Stress, diabetes, and high carb intake can lead to the growth of candida. If the pesky fungus is present in the vagina at high levels, it causes very unpleasant symptoms, including discharge, burning, pain when urinating and soreness.
Alkaline Foods
Alkaline foods consist of fruits, vegetables, leafy greens and herbs. These foods are water-rich and high in minerals like magnesium and iron; most importantly, they are generally low in sugar (with the exception of some fruits). A comprehensive list of alkaline foods is provided in Resources.
Basic microorganisms need one substance on which to live: glucose (sugar). The two notable items missing in most alkaline foods are sugar and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are nothing more than long-chained sugars. Thus, limiting sugar and carb intake by eating more alkaline foods starves the bacteria that cause yeast infections. Directly combating the source of the problem is also suggested in Prescription for Natural Cures by James F. Balch and Mark Stengler. They explain that eliminating acid-based foods like alcohol, coffee and sugars can stabilize yeast levels.
Although fruits are alkaline, some are not recommended because of high sugar content. If the fruit is low on the glycemic index---like apples, pears, avocados and peaches---it should cause no adverse reaction. The shift to consuming more alkaline foods does not have to be all-or-nothing: instead of ice cream for dessert, have a piece of fruit. While fruit has sugar, it has less than ice cream. The key is to limit sugar intake, not eliminate it. One resource to consult is The Candida Directory by Helen Gustafson and Maureen O'Shea. The authors outline which foods are advisable and in what quantity.
Beneficial Herbs
Many herbs are believed to contain anti-microbial properties that can combat candida. Garlic is one well-known herb; it can be eaten, but garlic can also be applied topically. Wrap a clove of garlic in gauze and insert it like a tampon.
Lesser known herbs like pau d'arco, olive leaf, aloe vera and slippery elm bark can all help fight a yeast infection. These herbs are available at specialty food stores. For the complete list of herbs that can help fight candida, see Resources.