Home Remedies Using Apple Cider Vinegar
External Uses
Since vinegar is so powerful, diluting it with water will help achieve the best results.
By dipping a cotton ball into apple cider vinegar and water and dabbing your skin several times a day, you can help alleviate blemishes associated with acne, age spots, bruises, burns, eczema, insect bites, athletes foot and jelly fish stings and itchiness from sunburns and poison ivy. The vinegar acts as a numbing agent for the nerve endings in the skin, which helps alleviate the pain and dryness associated with those conditions. If itchiness is all over a body, fill a bathtub full of water and a bottle of vinegar and soak for about one hour. This will provide relief for several hours, while also hydrating the skin.
Vinegar will also stop a bloody nose. Tilt the head back and apply vinegar on a cotton ball. The bleeding will stop in several minutes.
Save money on deodorant by wiping underarms with undiluted vinegar. This kills the bacteria and provides an interesting aroma.
Putting vinegar on your scalp for 30 minutes three times a week will help remove dandruff flakes. The vinegar should help alleviate the dryness your scalp.
Internal Uses
While vinegar plays an important part in healing issues on the skin and outside the body, ingesting it can also help make you feel better.
If a cold is approaching, take half a cup of vinegar several times a day. This will help balance out the pH of the body and raise its acidic level to fight diseases. Taking a few teaspoons should stop the pesky hiccups.
Also drinking a vinegar tonic daily has shown to improve people's problems with muscle cramps, constipation, fatigue, diabetes, digestion, headaches and heartburn.
Instead of reaching for a lozenge to cure an aching throat, try gargling with vinegar and water three times a day. This should kill the bacteria that are causing the inflammation.
Unproven Cures
There are some claims that have been out there for centuries but are unproven. Using vinegar to lose weight because it makes you feel full faster is a tough measure. Also vinegar's helping to cure cancerous cells is an old wives' tail, as nothing scientific can back up this theory. There will always be people who push ancient alternative medicines because they are more natural than many substances that people use for treatments nowadays.