Lice Treatment With Tea Tree Oil Recipes
What Is Tea Tree Oil?
Tea tree oil is derived from a steam distilling of the leaves of the Melaleuca tree that is native to Australia. The yellowish colored oil smells like a blend of nutmeg and eucalyptus. Pure tea tree oil contains about 40 percent of a bacteria-fighting ingredient called terpinen-4-ol. Thus, it is very effective at fighting infections caused by cuts, scraps and insects.
There are more than 100 different uses for tea tree oil in helping to fight skin diseases and infections. The use of tea tree oil to kill head lice is becoming more widespread as a more natural alternative to chemical shampoos. Because tea tree oil is both antiseptic and healing, it will also treat the irritated scalp. Head lice do bite, and these bites can become sore and infected over time. Tea tree oil will help insure the child's scalp is healthy.
You can purchase shampoos that contain tea tree oil. They are expensive, and you have no control over just how much tea tree oil is in it or what other ingredients are added. You can make your own tea tree oil shampoo just as easily.
Buy an inexpensive bottle of clear shampoo. Add 10 to 12 drops of pure tea tree oil to the shampoo bottle. Turn the bottle upside down and roll it round and round to mix the tea tree oil into the shampoo.
If the shampoo mixture has a strong tea tree oil smell, add several drops of essential lavender oil to. Lavender oil is also very soothing and healing, plus it smells better. Shampoo your child's head as usual. Allow the shampoo to sit on the child's head 2 or 3 minutes before rinsing it out.
Rinse the child's hair thoroughly and then towel dry to dislodge any dead lice or nits. Comb the hair out using a nit comb. Blow drying will also help remove the dead lice. Repeat the shampooing immediately if you see any evidence of live lice.
Hair Mist
To combat a reinfestation of lice, shampoo the child's and/or the hair of all family members once a week using the homemade tea tree oil shampoo. You can also make a mist and spray the child's hair daily before he goes to school.
Mix 8 oz. water and 12 drops tea tree oil together in a clean plastic spray bottle. You can add several drops of lavender or rosemary essential oils to enhance the smell. Mist your child's hair as you comb it that morning. It will help keep the lice from getting in her hair.
Warning: Essential oils are safe when properly used. Use caution when handling them, as the pure oil may burn the skin or cause skin sensitivities. Study essential oils and their uses before beginning to use them at home.