Ways to Increase Appetite
Eat Right
The number one way to increase the appetite is to eat the right foods in the right routine. Easily digested foods like fruits and vegetables will allow the body to crave more food, more often. A person should eat something every hour to stimulate their metabolism. Small, frequent meals or snacks are essential in order to create a productive and fast burning metabolism. Eating "empty" foods, such as white bread, pasta and white rice, will also increase the appetite because they don't take very long to digest. They are simple carbohydrates that require very little digestion, therefore leaving lots of room fro more food, more often.
Daily exercise can greatly increase the appetite. The daily routine should be a mixture of intense aerobics and weight lifting. When the human body works out it speeds up the burning process, which causes a need for more food to sustain and satisfy the body's needs. It is recommended to exercise at least one hour every day, taking one day off every six days. Continue to increase the amount of exercise and the level of intensity in order to grow the appetite.
Get Adequate Sleep
The less you sleep the less hunger the body has. One of the first things the body gives up when it is under stress or deprivation of any kind is hunger. Those who experience anxiety or have sleeping disorders also suffer from eating disorders because of this unique happening of the human body. An average adult should have at least eight hours of sleep a night in order to maintain the body's normal function. Sleep is an essential key to increasing the appetite.