Herbs Used for the Thyroid
Thyroid disease is a common disease that affects millions of Americans and more women than men. According to Thyroid Wellness, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism and neurotransmitters in the brain that influence your mood, emotions and appetite. It produces two hormones called T4 and T3. A deficiency of one or both hormones can result in mental and physical problems.
The thyroid gland is vital to many processes and functions of the body. It's connected to the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The thyroid supports digestion, muscle and nerve activity, reproduction and blood flow.
Low thyroid function can cause lack of energy, mood swings, dry skin, hair loss, weight gain and an inability to concentrate.
Although bladderwrack has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries, it's mostly used for the thyroid gland. This brown seaweed has been praised as a thyroid tonic, a metabolic stimulant, antihypothyroid, and thyroid gland stimulator. Bladderwrack is rich in several minerals including iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, silicon, iron, and magnesium.
Coleus Forskholii
Coleus forskholii is part of the mint family containing forskolin, which promotes the development of cyclic AMP. It's required for the thyroid stimulating hormone to transmit signals that tell the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Herbs for Living states that any time there isn't an adequate amount of cyclic AMP, it can cause symptoms of low thyroid function. Increasing the amount of cyclic AMP can help prevent that disorder.
Herbal Wisdom describes ashwaghanda as an herb that supports the body in making its "own thyroid hormones." It also has several uses that involve strengthening the immune system. It rejuvenates, operates as an antioxidant, anti-anxiety, and diuretic. Herbal Living states this thyroid herb that's commonly used jump-start the metabolism and improve mental and physical stamina.
Motherwort is used to treat hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid. This anti-inflammatory has an antithyroid action and blocks the enzyme that converts T4 to T3.