Natural Herbs for Hep-C
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a root from a family of plants native to Europe and Asia. Contrary to popular belief, most licorice candies contain little to no actual licorice herb. Licorice is a remarkable herb that reduces inflammation and arthritis pain, while increasing bile flow and healing the adrenal glands. The herb also has antiviral properties that can attack the hepatitis C virus directly. Take a 200 mg dose three times a day for ten days at a time. Do not take licorice if you have high blood pressure.
Tumeric is an herb in the ginger family that grows in India, China, and Jamaica. It is often used in curry powder cooking and in medicinal therapy in India. Tumeric has the dual property of reducing liver inflammation along with improving the function of the liver by stopping fat accumulation in the organ. The second property may have value in improving the strength of the liver during the battle with hepatitis C. Take the extract of Tumeric known as curcumin in 400 milligram doses three times a day.
Polysaccharide Kureha (PSK)
This herbal extract from the kawartake mushroom is common in the woods of Japan, China, and the United States. This antioxidant and immune system stimulant has been sold all throughout Japan as a major health food product. The herb may have benefits against clogged arteries, certain types of cancer, and hepatitis C. You can purchase PSK as coriolus extract with a one gram dose per day for up to two weeks.
Artemisia, which is also known as wormwood, is found in Taiwan, the Japanese islands, and China. The tips of this plant have been used in Chinese medicine as an anti-microbial substance and to stimulate the production of bile in the liver. This increased bile production helps the liver to drain away the excess toxins created by the hepatitis affected areas. It is recommended that you visit a Chinese herbal doctor or a Chinese herbal shop for dosage instructions.
Where to Buy
Licorice and turmeric are available at many grocery or natural food stores like Whole Foods. PSK and artemisia may be a bit harder to find and it is worth looking at Japanese and Chinese herbal stores or on the Internet. It is always recommended when buying herbs to do some research on the brands making the products to ensure you are getting the most pure and potent product on the market.
Different herbs can cause allergic reactions with other herbs or with any medicine that you might be taking. Consult with your doctor or an integrated medical practitioner before taking herbs on your own.