Herbs Used for Circulation
Hawthorn is a small thorny bush. Its extract promotes circulation by dilating the blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries. Hawthorn is available in tea form or tincture form. Follow dosing instructions on the bottle or package carefully.
Ginkgo extract is made from the leaves of the ginkgo tree and is thought to improve circulation. It helps to dilate the arteries in the body. Ginkgo can be taken internally as a tea or in tincture form. Follow dosing instructions carefully. If you have blood-clotting problems, consult your physician before taking ginkgo. Ginkgo can also have side effects such as excitability and digestive problems, but it is generally considered safe to take for long periods. It has been promoted heavily with claims that it reverses the aging process. These claims are unproven, though ginkgo has shown promise in increasing cerebral blood flow in older people.
Cayenne pepper and ginger benefit and stimulate circulation by dilating arterioles and capillaries near the skin's surface. Cayenne contains capsaicins, which improve blood circulation and clotting. Ginger has warming and relaxing effects. Both of these herbs can be added to cooking for beneficial effects. Try adding one teaspoon of each per day for good results.
Butcher's broom is a beneficial herb to use topically in lotion form to alleviate swelling and inflammation associated with poor circulation. The active ingredient in butcher's broom is ruscogenin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Take 300 mg of the standardized extract three times a day for good results.
Garlic is useful in improving circulation in the body. Take four to six 600-mg capsules per day, or eat one raw clove of garlic per day. Garlic is a heart-healthy herb that improves circulation by invigorating the blood vessels. It also helps to lower blood pressure. Garlic has a mild blood-clotting effect: if you take anticlotting drugs or are preparing for surgery, check with your doctor before taking garlic.