Natural Herbs for Healing Ulcers
Skin Ulcers
For inflammatory skin conditions, "The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook" by Tillotson et al. recommends turmeric root, aloe vera, and black tea bags.
Gastric Ulcers
According to "One Earth", you can heal stomach ulcers by using cooked okra, DGL Licorice root, and bananas.
A skin ulcer healing herb, turmeric is a common spice in Indian cooking. Turmeric is readily available in your grocery store spice section, and can be used in cakes, cookies or stews.
DGL Licorice Root
DGL Licorice root is a form of licorice which has been treated to reduce its side effects. DGL stands for deglycyrrhizinated licorice. According to "One Earth", patients taking DGL were less apt to develop negative side effects such as headache and edema.
Bananas can help protect your stomach from ulcers. According to World's Healthiest Foods, "compounds in bananas called protease inhibitors help eliminate bacteria in the stomach that have been pinpointed as a primary cause of stomach ulcers."