Herbs for Leg Cramps

Leg cramps are caused by many factors or conditions, including dehydration, strenuous exercises, fatigue, weight gain and abnormalities in the nerves. Leg cramp symptoms include leg pain, cramping and muscle tenderness. Fortunately, homeopathic, herbal and alternative remedies can provide a natural way to alleviate and reduce leg cramps and pain.
  1. Yarrow

    • Grown in various parts of Asia, North America and Europe, yarrow is a plant that has been used to alleviate spasms and leg cramps. The flowered tops of the yarrow plant help to dilate and relax muscles. To prepare, mix 1 teaspoon of yarrow with 1 cup of boiling water. Let the water boil for 10 minutes and allow the mixture a few minutes to cool off. Drink up to 3 cups of yarrow tea daily. You may also dip a cloth into the tea and apply it generously over your legs or any other part of your body where you are experiencing cramps or minor skin irritations.


    • Found mostly in Europe and Asia, chamomile has been used in tea, capsule and liquid forms to treat bowel disorders, anxiety, insomnia, gingivitis, migraines and cramps. Glycine, a compound found in chamomile, relaxes muscle cramps and calms the nervous system. For best results in alleviating leg cramps, consume chamomile as tea. Boil 1 cup of water and a few teaspoons of chamomile. Boil the mixture for a few minutes before straining the tea. Honey may be added. Chamomile tea should be consumed up to five or six times per day for optimal results.

    Lavender Oil

    • Lavender oil is also known as a remedy for a variety of ailments, including leg cramps and pain. It is extracted from the plant's flowers. Aside from leg cramps, lavender oil helps headaches, wounds, acne and lethargy. To relieve painful cramps and muscle pain, add 1 drop of undiluted lavender oil to a few drops of olive oil. The olive oil will help with the application process by making lavender oil smoother and easier to rub into your skin. Massage the oils generously all over the cramping areas on your legs. Leave the oils on for at least 10 minutes before washing off.

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