Herbs for Dry Cough
Herbs in Teas
Teas made by steeping beneficial herbs can help to soothe the throat and reduce the urge to cough. Herbs may be purchased through a local health-food store or bought in bulk through Internet websites; it is best to use organic herbs or ethically harvested wild herbs.
Two herbs which contain high amounts of mucilage, which will coat and soothe the throat, are slippery elm bark and marshmallow root. Slippery elm bark comes from a type of elm tree known as Ulmus rubra, and marshmallow root is gathered from the marshmallow plant Althaea officinalis. These roots may be combined in an herbal dry-cough tea or used separately on their own.
Horehound is a popular cough remedy that is an ingredient in cough drops and cough syrups, but leaves from the plant, known as Marrumbium vulgare, may also be used in a tea to soothe dry coughs.
Herbs in Syrups
A homemade cough syrup which will help to alleviate dry cough can be created by combining beneficial herbs with water, boiling the water, straining out the thick tea and then adding honey to the water/herb mixture as a preservative and base. Herbs which can be used to create an effective dry cough syrup include: horehound leaves, marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, thyme leaves and flowers (Thymus vulgaris) and peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita).
Herbs in Steam
Steaming of herbs may help to reduce inflammation and irritation of the bronchial tubes which occur with a dry cough. Place one quarter cup of the herbs in a large bowl of boiling water, let them steep for at least five minutes, cover your head with a towel and then lean over the bowel and inhale the steam. Herbs which may be added to a beneficial steam for dry cough include peppermint and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules).
Speak with your doctor if you are experiencing a dry cough that lasts for more than five days or a cough which is accompanied by a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Speak with your doctor as well if you have any medical conditions or if you are taking any prescription medications, to make sure herbs are safe for you to use. Always use herbs with caution and never exceed the recommended daily dosage or use herbs for a longer period of time than recommended.