Natural Overactive-Bladder Remedy
Alpinia Oxyphylla
There are many different herbal remedies for an overactive bladder. One of them is alpinia oxyphylla, a member of the ginger family. It is referred to as Yi Zhi Ren in China. The Natural Bladder reports that "it has a long history as a component of a formula used for centuries to control frequent urination and loss of bladder control." Alpinia oxyphylla contains an oil that doctors believe has anti-inflammatory effects. Not only is it useful for an overactive bladder, but The Natural Bladder reports that it has been used "in the treatment of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea."
Pumpkin Seeds
One of the most common and easy to create natural remedies for an overactive bladder is the use of pumpkin seeds. Life Extension Magazine reports that "water-soluble pumpkin seed extract exerts an anabolic (tissue-building) effect on the pelvic floor muscles via several mechanisms. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, it may make more testosterone available to strengthen the pelvic muscles." To create a pumpkin seed remedy, you must crush a handful of pumpkin seeds. Once you have done this, pour boiling water over them, let soak for an hour and then strain the crushed seeds out of your drink. Drink a small glass every day.
Another commonly used natural remedy for overactive bladder is magnesium supplements. Natural Solutions states that "magnesium deficiency can cause any part of the body to cramp or spasm, including the bladder." They suggest taking "200 to 600 mg of magnesium citrate or glycinate daily" to treat an overactive bladder. Magnesium also offers many other health benefits, as outlined at Alternative Medicine Digest including: stronger bones which can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis; prevention of constipation; prevention of the growth of kidney stones; and even prevention of heart attacks.
Pelvic-Floor Exercises
Another easy-to-perform natural remedy for an overactive bladder is pelvic-floor exercises. These are best when used in concert with herbal remedies. Exercising your pelvic muscles helps control your bladder by strengthening the muscles that contract to prevent accidents when you have to urinate. Start out by lying flat on your back. Relax, breathe in deeply and push your pelvic area into the air. Hold for a few seconds. Now, tense up the muscles in your pelvic area and hold for a few seconds. Now release and go back down to the floor. Go back up into the air and repeat the process. This should be done no more than twenty times a day. These pelvic exercise will help strengthen your pelvic muscles and can help stop an overactive bladder.