Free Sunburn Home Remedies
Kitchen remedies for sunburn
Sunburn can become painful and uncomfortable but there are a few home remedies to help alleviate the pain and speed up the healing process. A cold compress on the affected area may help with pain and redness. To speed up the healing process and reduce swelling you should apply aloe vera lotion or hydrocortisone cream directly on the sunburn. Certain commonly used household kitchen items such as oatmeal, milk, cornstarch, lettuce, yogurt and tea bags can also be used as a remedy for sunburn. Oatmeal may be used by wrapping it in a cloth or gauze and running cold water over the wrapped oatmeal. Apply this wrap to the sunburned skin and repeat this process every two to four hours. You can also soak a towel in 1 cup of fat-free milk mixed with 4 cups of water and a few ice cubes and wrap it over the sunburned skin to help alleviate pain and redness. A cornstarch and water mixture can be applied as a paste to the sunburn to speed up the healing process. Spreading yogurt over sunburned skin and washing it off in cold water that may also help to reduce pain and speed up healing.
Tea bags contain tannic acid, which is known to help reduce sunburn. Applying a tea bag that has been soaked in cold water will help to ease the pain.
Oils for Sunburn
Lavender oil is a natural healer for sunburn when applied to the skin immediately after the burn has occurred. Coconut oils are gentle on the skin--it is also helpful to use coconut oil before going into the sun. To help smoothen and lighten the skin after sunburn you can mix honey with lime juice.
Cucumbers and vitamin E oil will help reduce any itching and irritation associated with your sunburn. If you are experiencing sunburn it is important to stay hydrated and drink as much water as possible so that your body can begin its natural healing process.